New Jersey Department of Education

Events Registration

NJSLS Learning Lounge: Gifted Learner Identification Basics

Gifted Learner Identification Basics

Date(s) & Time(s) March 10, 2025   ~  11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Webinar Description Does your district gifted and talented program reach all high-ability learners? Identifying gifted learners is required in New Jersey beginning in kindergarten through grade 12. Gifted Learner Identification Basics presents the rationale for and a step-by-step guide to developing equitable identification processes.

Participants will be provided an overview of how to align goals and identification with services, the referral process, selecting assessment tools, collecting and analyzing identification data, and matching students to services.
Webinar LinkA link to access the webinar will be emailed to registered participants
Registration Capacity Reached
Contact Information Crystal Siniari
Office of Standards
PO Box 500
100 Riverview Plaza
Trenton, NJ 08625


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