New Jersey Department of Education

Events Registration

Career and Technical Education Scholar Award Program (CTE SAP)

Information Session

Date(s) & Time(s) February 19, 2025   ~  2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Webinar Description The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) is pleased to offer the opportunity for Local Education Agencies (LEAs) with approved CTE programs of study to participate in the 2nd annual Career and Technical Education Scholar Award Program (CTE SAP) that recognizes outstanding CTE students throughout New Jersey. This approved legislation, P.L. 2023,c.47, establishes an annual recognition of student achievements to highlight the importance of CTE to meet the needs of business and industry for high-skill and trained workers. This information session will go over the application process, criteria for eligibility and timeline for submission.

For more information about this award program, please visit the CTE Scholar Award Program website ( Send any questions to

Webinar LinkA link to access the information session will be e-mailed to registered participants
Registration Registration Closed
Contact Information CTE Scholar Award Program
Career Readiness
100 River View Plaza
Trenton, NJ 08625


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