New Jersey Department of Education

Events Registration

BURLINGTON COUNTY ONLY: Evaluating and Refining Lessons for High-quality K-5 Science Instruction

Burlington County Science Curriculum Session for K-5 Teachers

Date(s) & Time(s) November 13, 2024   ~  9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Workshop Description This workshop is for K-5 teachers in Burlington County.

The overarching question driving the work session is: Is our science curriculum coherent with the NJSLS-Science and compliant with New Jersey Administrative Code?

More specifically, we will use the EQuIP Rubric and evaluation process to help educators:
- Understand the NJSLS-S

- Identify shifts in instruction that may be needed to better target the NJSLS

- Select better lessons as starting points for transitioning teaching and learning.

- Refine or build better lessons through evidence, reasoning and feedback.

During the morning session we will be working with people from across the consortia and in the afternoon, there will be an opportunity to work in district groups.

Once we have normed the use of the EQuIP Rubric, participants will move into district groups to evaluate a sample unit from their district. Participants will have district team time to collaborate with colleagues at the end of the session.

Lunch is on your own.

Please see the agenda for a detailed explanation of the session. The agenda suggests articles to review prior to the meeting and lists materials to bring to the session.

>> Click Here for Agenda

Location Burlington Township BOE
610 Fountain Avenue
Burlington Township, NJ 08016

>> Click Here for Directions

Registration Registration Closed
Contact Information Joseph Seaman
Burlington County
Burlington County Office of Education
725 Woodlane Road
Burlington, NJ 08060


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