New Jersey Department of Education

Events Registration

Strengthening Partnerships with Families of Students with Disabilities

Summer Institute

Date(s) & Time(s) July 10, 2024   ~  9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Workshop Description Teachers (general education, special education) will examine and gain knowledge, skills, and dispositions to work collaboratively with diverse families to support the development and education of students with disabilities. Teachers will understand families within a broad sociocultural context and focus on issues of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, and family structure to learn how these intersect with professional-family relationships and with student outcomes in education.

Fred Buglione, M.A. M.Ed- NJCIE
Eileen Osieja, Ed.D- NJDOE

Location Learning Resource Center-North Satellite
300 Pompton Road
Wayne , NJ 07470
Registration Registration is open until July 3, 2024.
There are currently 25 seats available.

>> Online Registration

Contact Information Eileen Osieja
100 Riverview Drive
Trenton, NJ 08618


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